Patent Attorney Search
Masahiko MIWA

2nd Electrical / Information Division
Patent Attorney & Divisional Manager
- Field
- Qualification
patent attorney (2007)
IP infringement litigator (2008)
Mr. Miwa focuses on portfolio development globally for Japanese and international clients with an emphasis on software and computer-related technologies, consumer electronics, GPS, and business model. Prior to joining Fukami, Mr. Miwa worked as a system engineer for NTN corporation and as a system consultant for Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting. He is a member of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA).
graduated from Kyoto University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Precision Mechanical Engineering (1990)
received a master’s degree from the same University (1992)
University of Wales, College of Cardiff, Cardiff Business School (MBA, 1997)
NTN Corporation (1992-2000)
Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting, Ltd. (2000-2001)
Fukami Patent Office (2001-)
Overseas training
Oliff & Berridge Program (US) (2009)
Mewburn Ellis Program (UK) (2010)