Our Office

Information Security Policy

Intellectual property is the product of human wisdom and is a source of happiness and well-being for people throughout the world.

With this understanding, Fukami Patent Office, P.C. considers it our mission to contribute to society by actively participating in every phase of the intellectual property creation cycle, making use of our sophisticated expertise in technology and law in addition to providing services for filing IP applications with our worldwide network of patent offices.

To meet every stakeholder’s expectations for our business activities, it is one of our administrative tasks of utmost importance to protect the information assets we are entrusted with by our clients.

We hereby declare that we will continuously develop and manage our information security management system (ISMS) in compliance with our strategic information security policy, and make every effort to further enhance our systems in view of the ever-evolving business environment.
We further define our security objectives as set forth below, and ensure that we will take all necessary measures to achieve these objectives.

  • Fullfill contracts with our clients, as well as legal or regulatory requirements
  • Anticipate and minimize any information risks, to prevent information security incidents.
  • In the unlikely event of an information security incident, minimize the impact of such incident.

July 1, 2024
Yoshitake Kihara
President of Fukami Patent Office, P.C.