Our Office

Office Overview

Name Fukami Patent Office, P.C.
Representative Yoshitake Kihara, Patent Attorney
Founded July 1969
Services Filing and prosecution, opposition, appeals and trials, opinion work, litigation, licensing and border protection at Customs on Japanese and foreign patents, utility models, designs and trademarks, unfair competition, mask protection and copyright and other intellectual property related matters.
Location 【Head Office】
Nakanoshima Festival Tower West 26F.
3-2-4 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku
Osaka 530-0005 Japan  [>MAP]

【Tokyo Office】
Kasumigaseki Bldg. 17F.
3-2-5 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-6017 Japan  [>MAP]
Staff IP Professional Department
88 Patent Attorneys (incl. 48 IP infringement litigators*)
1 Legal Adviser
17 Patent Engineers
Administration Department
158 Staff Members
Total 264
Qualifications 3 Doctorate degree holders
2 Licensed pharmacists
4 Members who passed the US Patent Bar Exam
32 Members who passed the First Grade Practical English Proficiency Test**
5 Members who passed the First Grade Business English Test***
2 Members who passed the First Grade English Technical Writing Test****
15 Members who passed the First Grade Intellectual Property Translation Test*****
5 Members who passed the First Grade Intellectual Property Management Skills Test******
105 Members who passed the Second Grade Intellectual Property Management Skills Test******
1 Member who passed the Japan Deep Learning Association (JDLA) E Certification (i.e. Certification for Engineer)*******
20 Members who passed the Japan Deep Learning Association (JDLA) G Test (i.e. Generalist Examination)*******
1 Member who passed the exam of the First-class Electrical Chief Engineer’s License********
3 Members who passed the exam of Third-class Electrical Chief Engineer’s License********
6 Members who passed the Semiconductor Engineer Career Certification (SECC) Electronics Basic Test *********
Certifications ・ISO/IEC 27001 Certified (MSA-IS-733)

*Click here for Japanese details about the certification. (Link to an external website.)

* qualified as having passed the Specific Infringement Litigation Representation Examination under Article 15 bis of the Patent Attorneys Law

** conducted by the Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc. (STEP), according to the standards set by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

*** conducted by The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry for measuring English business communication skill

****conducted by the Japan Society for Technical Communication and with the support of the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for measuring English technical writing skill

***** conducted by the Nippon Intellectual Property Translation Association (NIPTA) for measuring translation ability regarding intellectual property matters

****** conducted as a national examination by the Association of Intellectual Property Education (AIPE) for measuring knowledge and practical skills about intellectual property

******* conducted by the Japan Deep Learning Association (JDLA) for determining the ability to use Deep Learning in business

******** conducted as a national examination by the Japan Examination Center for Electrical Engineers (ECEE) and with the support of the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry with respect to the knowledge and skills required for ensuring safety in the construction, maintenance, and operation of electric facilities for business use

********* conducted by the Power Device Enabling Association (PDEA) to determine the basic knowledge to develop and manufacture new semiconductor chips, as well as the ability to use them in business


July 1969 Founding of Fukami Patent Office by Patent Attorney, Hisao FUKAMI at Yachiyo Daiichi Bldg. 3-9, Tenjinbashi 2-chome, Kitaku, Osaka
September 1985 Relocation to larger offices at Hirano-machi Yachiyo Bldg. 8-1, Hirano-machi 2-chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka
December 1987 Relocation to larger offices at Sumitomo Bank Minamimorimachi Bldg. 1-29, Minamimorimachi 2-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka
December 1993 Patent Attorney, Hisao FUKAMI receives Yellow Ribbon Medal (for patent practice)
August 2005 Relocation to larger offices at Nakanoshima Central Tower 2-7, Nakanoshima 2-chome, kita-ku, Osaka
January 2009 Patent Attorney Toshio MORITA appointed as President, and Hisao FUKAMI appointed as Chairman
July 2009 Opening of the Tokyo Office at Nihon Jitensha Kaikan 1st Bldg. 9-15, Akasaka 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
March 2010 Registration of Fukami Patent Office, P.C. as legal corporation
August 2013 Relocation of the Tokyo Office to larger offices at Kasumigaseki Bldg. 2-5, Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
October 2015 Patent Attorney Yoshitake KIHARA appointed as President
February 2018 Relocation of the Osaka Office to new offices at Nakanoshima Festival Tower West 3-2-4, Nakanoshima Kita-ku, Osaka
October 2019 Patent Attorney Hisao FUKAMI resigns as Chairman and appointed as Of Counsel
December 2024 ISO/IEC 27001 Certified (MSA-IS-733)